In addition to making Original Sock Dogs, I occasionally try making a bear or two. It helps me learn new tricks and keeps me entertained, I suppose. Here are two of my latest bruins. "Rupert" is a 16" plush, disc-jointed bear and "Dumpling" is a 6" mohair fella with a disc-jointed head and thread-jointed arms and legs (they were too small to use discs).
RUPERT--from a pattern by Cat Maessen
I had fun scissor-sculpting this guy's face. Can you tell?
DUMPLING--my own design
There's a lot of trial and error when making bears, and the only way to really learn is to make a bunch and really screw up a few of them. My office is full of misfit bears. It's pitiful. But I think I am starting to get the hang of it--I'm pretty happy with Dumpling, even though he differs from the original design I put down on paper. Since plushies are sewn inside-out, you never really know what you have until it's all over. Kind of exciting, in a masochistic way!